Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything!

Today was HILARIOUS.

I got to class, we did the recess thing, the morning meeting thing, all the usuals. THEN it was time for read aloud. I was asked by my CT to read aloud the book for today and of course, I agreed to. I sat down by the carpet and then she brought me the book for today. As soon as I saw the cover I got SO STINKING EXCITED!!! The book she brought me, I had read as a girl and it was ONE OF MY FAVORITES! As my mom had been a kindergarten teacher when I was younger, I was very familiar with a lot of the stories she read to her classes and this was one of them!! It was, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by: Linda Williams. I WAS SO HAPPY! So I started reading the book and the kids were enthralled! They, as I had, LOVED IT!

The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams 
and Illustrated by Megan Lloyd

This book went over really well with the kids. They loved it! Honestly, If you have never heard of or read this book, you NEED to find it and love it. It is fantastic and there are so many classroom activities associated with it! Just google it and you will find TONS AND TONS of fun things to do in class that is related to this book and you can always come up with so many more - the possibilities with this puppy are endless! 

After I read this book, my CT brought out a huge duffle bag she had and went through it - sure enough, there was a hat, some shoes, a shirt, some gloves, some pants, and a pumpkin head all in the bag! WE WERE GOING TO ACT OUT THE STORY! I was thrilled! and there were just enough people that I even got to be the little old lady in one of the actings of it! :) I have pictures but unfortunately can't post them cause some of the students are in them (and I look absolutely ridiculous - but hey, that's what kindergarten is all about, as long as it is not posted online for all the world to see!) ha-ha. But anyway, we acted out the story and the kids fell even more in love with the book than they had been before hand! It was great! This is one activity that we did not do in class, but I found it online and thought it was a cute reinforcer for the students and their reading comprehension!

A reading comprehension matching worksheet to go with
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything

After the reenactment of the story, we went to centers and I took care of teaching them how to write some more of their sight words on more of that tough to handle lined papers. But sure enough, those smarty pants got the hang of it quickly and were writing machines in no time! 

Another Wonderful Wednesday in Kindergarten!
Keep Creating!
Ms. Jaclyn

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