Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Teachers LOVE Apples!

Today in class was so much fun! (I'm starting to think that I am made to be here!! I am LOVING kindergarten!) Today was all apple themed. Once the kids came inside from recess, we had morning meeting and went over some fun fall time songs. I need to remember to get a list of all of my cooperating teacher's songs - she has a TON of them on those big laminated papers on the easel in her class. But, we sang the songs, went over the date and how many days we have been in school. Then it was the special helpers moment to share her favorite book with the class! It rhymed with, "All about Trees." And, yes you smarty pants, it was an "All About ME!" book that this student's parents had made for her! It was so cute!

When we went into stations, I was in charge of the stained glass apple table! We worked and worked and put together beautiful stained glass apples for the windows. The kids loved putting together these apples. And they came out absolutely adorable! They could choose between red, yellow, and green for the inside of the apple so some of the apples came out a little different than this because they were a different color, or for the more free spirits, multicolored! ;)

(I was so sad because I forgot to take a picture of these apples, but I found this one online that looks just like the ones we made! There was an almost crisis with packing for busses that I totally forgot to snap a pic!)

The class is going on a field trip tomorrow to the apple orchard that their school is near so that is why today was heavy on the apple theme! They love it though! I was bummed I am not going to be in class tomorrow for the field trip because I think that would be such a fun experience! The kids seem so excited!!

During read aloud, my cooperating teacher read to the students a book called, Picking Apples by Margaret McNamara. This was a really adorable book especially because my CT decided to insert all of her students names in for the characters who are really named in the book so that they felt like the book was written about them! And each time a teacher was mentioned, she used either her name, my name or another teacher that was in the room at the time. It was truly an experience just reading the book. She did such a great job with it! This is the cover of the book and I highly reccomend it for any class that might be going on an apple picking field trip any time soon!

Picking Apples by Margaret McNamara
Mrs. Connor's class is off on a field trip to pick apples! But one member of the class is not so sure he wants to add to the piles of this yummy fall fruit. Can Mrs. Connor and the rest of the kids convince Michael to join in the fun -- with an apple picked just for him?

 This would be where my CT would say "Ms. Jaclyn said." or "said *student name*.
It was really quite adorable and kept the kids thoroughly engaged!

Another amazing day in Kindergarten!
Keep Creating!
Ms. Jaclyn

P.S. While I was looking for the picture of the stained glass apple, I came across this "Kid's Activities Blog" that had a post titled: "6 Fall Apple Crafts for Kids." So I mean if you are looking to switch it up, here are some more helpful, fun activities! :) Happy Crafting! 

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