Wednesday, September 25, 2013

And so the journey begins...

Well isn't this exciting. I am a newbie to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me while I test out my skills, or maybe more accurately, my lack of skills?? -- I'm sure we will find out which one is more accurate soon enough!

My hope for this blog is that I can post different ideas and stories and thoughts about my budding journey through the wonderful world of teaching. I am still in college so I know I have a long way to go, but I also know that the world of blogging poses some new, and exciting things to a teacher. As I am just starting out in the classroom, but every time I go into the classroom, I get more and more excited that this is the profession I am entering into!! I have a long way to go -- but I figured blogging it would help me out, and maybe help some other people too! So here goes!!

For one of my classes this semester, I have a field placement assignment for some observation hours and hands-on experience. I am in an ADORABLE kindergarten class and am having an amazing time. I have only been in the class for two three hour morning sessions, but I can already tell that Kindergarten is where I belong!

In the first two sessions that I have been to kindergarten, we have already done so much learning! For the first day, I was introduced to the kids and just helped out with odds and ends jobs around the room. I was assigned a center to lead with stamps and pictures. There was a worksheet that the kids were given and they had to stamp out the amount of syllables each picture was. So for instance if the picture was that of a crab, they would stamp the number "1" next to the crab. The kids loved stamping once they figured out how many syllables each word was. They were a little colorful when they were sent home, but I mean who isn't by the end of kindergarten!?

 The kids have been working hard on their sight words for awhile (they are up to 3 so far - "I" "am" "the" "little"), they have sung many different songs, had recess, even today there was a lock down drill (which the kids all got a smiley face sticker for their good behavior and quiet mouths :) ), but by far my favorite activity had to do with the topic for this past week --BUSSES!

During the "Bus Snack" activity, I had labeled a paper plate with everyone's name and put one graham cracker, one popsicle stick, four chex mix pieces, and two mini Oreos all on the plate. The popsicle stick was used to spread the yellow frosting (mixed up prior to this activity) all over the graham cracker,  after this was done, and ONLY AFTER ;), the kids could lick their frosting off of the stick. The frosting was then put away so there would not be any double-dip-age action. Then, the "windows" (chex) and the "wheels" (Oreos) were placed to make the bus!!! The only thing more fun than making these busses was EATING THEM!! :)

The Wheels On The Bus Go....IN MY TUMMY!
...All Day Long!

Great times in Kindergarten today!
Keep Creating!
Ms. Jaclyn